Falk-Dietrich Kaulbarsch Prize
Since 2019 the IGFP has awarded the annual Falk-Dietrich Kaulbarsch Prize for the best Conference presentation as chosen by attendees. Falk-Dietrich and eleven fellow idealists founded the IGFP on 23 December 2001. This personal tribute and the annual prize are our way of remembering Falk and ensuring that his name lives on.
Falk-Dietrich Kaulbarsch was born in 1970 and died in 2016.
Falk grew up on his parents’ farm south of Hamburg, Germany’s second-largest city. The farm was also home to a small Trakehner stud, which sparked his interest in horses at an early age. Falk-Dietrich developed an intuitive feel for horses, benefiting from his calm and friendly nature. After first training as a farmer, he went on to earn his Master’s degree in agriculture.
Tooth problems in his own animals made him start thinking about dental treatments in horses, a topic that attracted little attention at the time. While researching on the internet, he came across the Academy of Equine Dentistry in the US state of Idaho.
An interest in training was aroused and he began a course there in 1999. As the first trainee from Germany to graduate from the Academy, Falk-Dietrich went on to continue his training in Idaho over the years and also helped to train others.
A gradual resurgence of interest in equine dental health back in Germany led to the founding of the IGFP. Falk was a founding member and was active both on the Board and as an examiner.
Falk-Dietrich always gave his heart and soul and was happy to have helped so many horses.