Program of the 2016 IGFP – Conference

Saturday, 05th March 2016

Documentation in equine dentistry
Dr. Timo Zwick, Gessertshausen

Clinical signs, examination, treatment and documentation of incisor diseases in the horse - an overview including the presentation of different working practices during treatment
Dr. Bernadette Immel, Löhnberg

Case report: Orthodontic correction after extraction of a supernumerary incisor in a 4-year-old gelding
Souel Maleh, Großwallstadt

Forensic aspects of tooth extraction in young horses
Markus Wild, Schnepfenbach

Modified approach fort he treatment of alveolar inflammation with valve diastema
Dr. Frank Schellenberger, Waldkirch

"But it´s only a wolf tooth" Complications after wolf tooth extraction
Dr. Astrid Bienert-Zeit, Hannover

Diagnostic approach to chronic weight loss in the adult horse
Dr. Katja Roscher, Gießen

Selenium in horses: between the poles of marginal and toxic supply
PD Dr. Ingrid Vervuert, Leipzig

Pathological changes in equine cheek teeth: a comparison between domesticated horses and wild equids
Stephanie Wöber, Gießen

Professional dental cleaning and laser application
Dr. Bernadette Immel, Löhnberg

Report on an annual dental workshop
Frank Sauerbrey, Bad Lauterberg im Harz / Dr. Markus Steiner, Dischingen/Ballmertshofen

The hyoid as a vital link between teeth and body
Dr. Markus Steiner, Dischingen/Ballmertshofen

8 p.m. "Get Together" with dance and buffet

Sunday, 06th March 2016

Picture optimisation when X-raying with DR and CR systems
PhD Dr. Renate Weller, London

Comparison of different techniques used for radiographic display oft he lateral temporomandibular joint compartment
PD Dr. Kerstin Gerlach, Leipzig

Functional anatomy oft he equine temporomandibular joint: architecture of collagen fibres and biomechanical stress
Kevin Adams, Giessen

Case report:septic arthritis oft he temporohyoid joint and the temporomandibular joint in a 17-year-old warmblood mare
Dr. Dagmar Berner, Leipzig

Headshaking horses: a cause of headaches in vets
Dr. Denis Verwilghen, Kopenhagen

Surgical removal of an "osteoma" in a warmblood mare
Dr. Hubert Simhofer, Wien

It´s not all in the teeth... case study of a 22-year-old Shetland pony
Diana Marx, Frankfurt am Main

Detection of bacteraemia in horses without antibiotic treatment before, during and after the extracion of teeth
Dr. Isabell Kern, Tappendorf

Laminitis as a complication after treating sinusitis of dental origin
Dr. Astrid Bienert-Zeit, Hannover

Cribbing rings - useful or cruel?
Markus Wild, Schnepfenbach

Options of multimodal pain management in horses
Dr. Klaus Hopster, Hannover

Demonstrating the position of different bits in the horse´s mouth under the influence of varying degrees of rein tension
Friederike Uhlig, Pockau - Lengefeld

Farewell 16.50