program of the 17th IGFP – conference 2019
Friday, 05th April of 2019
Start 09:45 am
Nutrition and dental diseases
Prof. Dr. Ellen Kienzle, München
Dental problems and nutrition: case studies and fist counts
Dr. Kathrin Irgang, Berlin
EOTRH- update
Dr. Frank Schellenberger, Waldkirch
EOTRH and periodontosis of the front teeth - a smooth transition? What can you do?
Dr. Katharina Ros, Döhle
Current legal topics for horse dental practitioners
RA Jürgen Steinhofer, Regensburg
DSGVO applied practice
RA Jürgen Steinhofer, Regensburg
Otitis in the horse
Prof. Dr. Gerald Fritz Schusser, Leipzig
Fixed shortcuts for certain pathologies
TA Souel Maleh, Mühltal - Markus Wild, Schnepfenbach
Development of occupational safety in equine dentistry
TA Martin Grell, Hoppegarten
From 8 pm „Get together“ with dance and buffet
Saturday, 06th April of 2019
Start: 09:30 am
Haylage better than her reputation
Franziska Bokisch, Leipzig
"Can you also look for the snaffle bit?" Basic knowledge of the PDP for checking the seat of a snaffle bit
Dr. Bernadette Immel, Löhnberg
"Performance float": which situation in the horse´s mouth causes which ridability problems?
Dr. Katharina Ros, Döhle
The targeted use of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for diagnosis and therapy in (dentogenic) sinusitis of the horse
Dr. Michael Nowak, Duisburg
The streptomces disease - a case report of a bacterial myzetome of the sinus paranasales of a horse
Dipl. Tzt Bernadette Rohwerder, Telgte
A first review of the use of radiotherapy to treat disorders of the masticatory system and adjacents structures in the horse
Dr. Janine Brunner, Linsengericht
Histological examination of healthy, equine gingiva
Saskia Steinfort, Gießen
Basics of equine dentistry: How are teeth innervated - and why?
Prof. Dr. Carsten Staszyk, Gießen
Graphical documentation of dental pathologies in dental charts
TA Souel Maleh, Mühltal - Markus Wild, Schnepfenbach
Expected end 16.50