program of the 21th IGFP – conference 2024

Friday, 15th March of 2024

Start 09:15 am

New insights into diagonal incisor malocclusion based on case studies and biomechanical considerations
Dr. Tomas Sterkenburgh, Leipzig
Dr. Michael Nowak, Meerbusch

Special cases from the stomatologic practice of New World camelids
Dr. Henrik Wagner, Gießen

Are hyoid bone pathologies correlated with changes in the teeth and the temporomandibular joint?
Dr. Bettina Hartl, Wien

Looking the horse in the mouth – the work of Prof. Dr Erwin Becker (1898–1978) and its influence on equine dentistry
Nina Müßig, Berlin

Development of the walk-in horse’s mouth
Martin Grell, Hoppegarten

Understanding the importance of equine aging
Dakota Thiery, Loxahatchee, Florida, USA

Juvenile Dentistry - Assessment and Equilibration, the 1st 5 years
Andy Wearing, Beachmere, Western Australia, Queensland

Assessment and Treatment of the Mature Equine Masticatory System
Dale Wearing, Clifden, Australia, NSW, Australia

Abnormal cardiac auscultation in the equine dental patient – what to do?
Dr. Nora Gembicki, Kirchheim/Weinstraße

Equine dental treatment without a disc burr
Ralf Niehues, Marbach am Neckar

Working clockwise and counter-clockwise
Ralf Niehues, Marbach am Neckar

From 08 pm „20 years "Mathilde" - the walk-in horse mouth - Get together“ with dance and buffet


Saturday, 16th March of 2024

Start: 09:10 am

The importance of occlusal surface correction for the treatment of interdental diastemas
Dr. Frank Schellenberger, Waldkirch

Introduction of a framework for staging periodontal disease in the hypsodont dentition: SIR Staging System
Demey Wouter, Schaffen, Belgien
Teysen Stijn, Asse, Belgien

Protein in the horse: calculations using precaecal digestible crude protein (pcd CP) and precaecal digestible amino acids (pcd AS) reveal deficiencies
Prof. Dr. Ellen Kienzle, München

Case studies from nutritional counselling on poor performance:
•    Protein deficiency in training
•    Iodine deficiency due to “smart” algae

Dr. Kathrin Irgang, Berlin

Chewing disorders as a result of brain disease - avoid misdiagnosis of teeth and temporomandibular joints
Prof. Dr. Gerald-Fritz Schusser, Leipzig

Evaluation of alveolar healing in equines treated with plasma rich in platelets or fibrin-rich plasma
Rodrigo G. Florentino, Goiania, Brasilien

Equine rostral mandibular and maxillar fractures and their fixations with wire and cerclage technique
Rodrigo G. Florentino, Goiania, Brasilien

Relative contraindications to molar extraction in the horse
Dr. Timo Zwick, Gessertshausen

Expected end 05:00 pm