Program of the 2010 IGFP – Conference

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cavum dentis (dental cavity) of the cheek teeth: Microcomputertomographic investigation
C. Staszyk

Examination of the equine mouth regarding pre purchase exam
C. Vogt

Thoughts about the possible influence of riding methods on the standard of equine dentistry
S. Maleh

Computer tomography of the equine head in a standing horse
T. Zwick

Micro-CT-results of extracted cheek teeth
S. Parzer, H. Simhofer

Reimplantation of extracted cheek teeth – utopia or chance?
C. Staszyk

Anaesthesia of the maxillary nerve – a clinical survey
C. Rieder

Equine caries – a computertomographic investigation
R. Fitz

Bacteriological findings in EOTRH cases
K. Pieber, H. Simhofer

Sunday, March 28, 2010

W. Phillips

Situation of equine dentistry at the University of Veterinary Science (TIHO) in Hannover
A. Bienert

Business management in Equine Dentistry
W. Phillips

Faeces with water syndrome
E. Kienzle

Findings at the dentition of sheep, goats and cattle – an experience report from 2006 to 2010
A. Fricke

Feeding of horses with sick teeth
E. Kienzle

Changing table angles
D. Wearing

Investigation of heat development during dental procedures in horses
M. Wild

Equilibration complications
D. Wearing

Management of root remains and granulomas after tooth extraction
M. Nowak

Innovations in x-ray diagnostics
K. Ros