Program of the 2011 IGFP – Conference
Saturday, March 12, 2011, 10.00 am
Karen Gellmann: living with gravity: posture and dental occlusion
Raymond Hyde: TMJ syndrome and disorders
Peter Witzmann: examination of the position of the bit in the horses mouth
Katja Roscher: sedating horses
Carla Omura: measurements of incisor overjet and diastema in foals
Manfred Stoll: endodontia – meaning, indication and procedures in equinedention
Timo Zwick: case study
Jan Broeze: reimplantation of molars
Michael Nowak, Sabine Schulte-Bahrenberg: Bacteriological findings in EOTRH cases
20:00 jubilee ball 10 year IGFP
Sunday, March 13, 2011, 9.00 am
Hubert Simhofer: physical and microbiological examination of the air in the working enviroment of an equine dental practioner
Carsten Staszyk: endodontic disease and pulp reaction
Hubert Simhofer: bacteriological examination on EOTRH diseased horses
Raymond Hyde: causative factors in wave and malocclusion formation
Markus Wild: protuberante 11´s and the effect on occlusion and temporal mandibular joint
Carla Omura: the situation of equine dentistry in Brazil
Karen Gellmann: functional occlusion and essentials of mastication biomechanics
Gabrielle Broeze: treatment of incisors
Vanessa Cordes: biology und biomechanic of the molars: computerbased simularcalculation
Michael Nowak: problems following an dental procedure and possible complication – a holistical review of eleven years
Markus Steiner: the head x-ray table by Steiner