Program of the 2018 IGFP – Conference

Friday, 09th March of 2018

Morphology of the pulp spaces in incisors - Distances of the pulp horns to the facies occlusalis and facies labialis

TA Lauritz Englisch, Gießen

Morphologiy of the pulp spaces in incisors - pulp horns, pulp channel and apikale foramina
Dr. Patricia Rott, Gießen

Equine ondontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis, EOTRH- retrospective observations
Dale Wearing, USA

EOTRH - clinical diagnostics - basis for the treatment plan
Dr. Frank Schellenberger, Waldkirch

management of the  EOTRH – findings and interpretations from practice
Dr. Katharina Ros, Döhle

Comparison of X-ray and CT of incisors in young horses
Dr. Manuel Novales, Cordoba

Assessment of incisors with open pulp channels
Manfred Stoll, Hohenstein

Towards a better understanding of occlusal fissures in the equine cheek tooth: prevalence and association with dental wear
Dr. Elke Pollaris, Ghent

Earth surface processes and the high-crowned teeth of Horses
Richard Madden, Chicago


Working with short handpieces
Ralf Niehues, Marbach

From 8 pm „Get together“ with dance and buffet

Saturday, 10th March of 2018

Enforce claims legally secure
RA Jürgen Steinhofer, Regensburg

Weaning and change from an infant diet to an adult diet
Rebecca German, Ohio

Prof. Barbora Bezdekova, Tschechien

Molar extraction versus tooth preservation or even reimplantation - a difficult decision
Walter Lewin, Glinde

The treatment of a caudal orosinuidal fistula by means of a externally fixed bone cement bridge after pretreatment via a transsinuously subcutaneously anchored implant
Dr. Timo Zwick, Gessertshausen

Review of wolf teeth and their extraction
Dr. Sam Hole, Staffordshire

The temporomandibular joint of the horse from the point of view of the acupuncturist
Dr. Isa Herold, Warngau

Gundelrebe as a cause of hypersalivation in grazing horses
Thea Ryhner, Bern

The equine gingiva: macroscopic evaluation of clinically detectable parameters
Saskia Steinfort, Gießen

Malformed teeth: What does the term odontoma mean?
Prof. Dr. Carsten Staszyk, Gießen

Expected end 16.50