program of the 18th IGFP – conference 2020

Friday, 06th March of 2020

Start 09:45 am

Changes in the oral mucosa and excessive salivation from animal feed
Dr. Linda Böswald, München

Szintigraphic findings on the head - retrospective stud: clinical relevance and therapeutic consequences
Tim Steinberg, Bakum-Lüsche

A histological assessment of age-related change in the equine temporomandibular joint
Prof. Dr. James Carmalt, Saskatoon

Arthroscopic exploration of the equine discomandibular joint: Technique and a succesful case example
Prof. Dr. James Carmalt, Saskatoon

Criminal law and everyday
RAin Sarah Nißl, Regensburg

Temporohyoid osteoarthropatia - what does a horse dental practitioner need to know about it?
Dr. Bianca Schwarz, Saarlouis

Chewing disorders: Hyoid bone hypertroph - otitis externa - hearing loss (brain audiometry in the horse)
Prof. Dr. Gerald Fritz Schusser, Leipzig

Dysphagia - it doesn´t alwas have to be a dental problem
Dr. Bianca Schwarz, Saarlouis

Chewing problem without a tooth problem, a lengthy case
Dr. Markus Steiner, Steinheim am Albuch

From 8 pm „Get together“ with dance and buffet


Saturday, 07th March of 2020

Start: 09:30 am

Horse dental practitioners and their understanding of dentures - restrictions in this area
Chris Edmonds,

Dental age determination
Wayne Needham, Canyon/Texas

3D cephalometry in the horse - angulation of opposing incisors
Silvio Kau, Gießen

Are overlay-free x-rays in the molar area possible under practical conditions in horses
Dr. Walter Lewin, Glinde

Newshour - news from the area of equine dentistry
Dr. Bernadette Immel; Löhnberg

Nutrition of old horses using current case studies
Dr. Kathrin Irgang, Berlin

Risks from supplements / additional feed
Prof. Dr. Ellen Kienzle, München

Gingiva in horses with Ptuitar Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID)
Anne Nitzsche, Freiburg

Desinfection of the dental instruments under practical conditions with Wofasteril (peracetic acid)
Dr. Frank Schellenberger, Waldkirch

Expected end 17.00